Triterras: A Profound Growth Opportunity With 200% Upside According to Oppenheimer Targeted By A Presumed Short & Distort Attack

Osmosis Capital
5 min readJan 16, 2021


  • Triterras Fintech has been the target of a recent short report by disreputable individuals presumably working in orchestration.
  • We were contacted by a whistleblower who exposed entities responsible for this possible short & distort attack and reported the individuals involved to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • The fundamentals surrounding the company have remained the same and Oppenheimer has reiterated the company at outperform with a $23 price target, equating to ~200% upside.
  • We are accumulating TRIT and TRITW aggressively after this recent presumable short & distort attack.

Note: This article is written on behalf of a whistleblower exposing possible short & distort market manipulation. As a result, we would appreciate respecting the anonymity of this individual and any related parties. Additionally, we are prefacing our statements with “possible” until a definitive conviction or acquittal is reached.

Triterras is a revolutionary company with a fully-digital platform running on the Ethereum blockchain network that links trading firms and trade finance companies. Unfortunately, the low float of Triterras common stock available to retail investors has resulted in a recent, well-orchestrated possible short & distort attack that resulted in a 25% intraday decline of Triterras common stock. This company was brought to our attention when a trusted whistleblower revealed the orchestrated nature of this possible short & distort attack.

This article will not attempt to explain the reasons we have initiated Triterras at outperform, as Randy Binner of B. Riley and Owen Lau of Oppenheimer have already delved in-depth into Triterras on our behalf. Instead, we will take a unique approach to expose the possibly illegal short & distort campaign run by presumably fraudulent individuals.

On December 17th, an opinion piece expressing doubt on Triterras’ business practices following a notice of the restructuring of a key Triterras business partner was released on Twitter, one day after Owen Lau of Oppenheimer upgraded Triterras common stock to overweight with a price target of $23. On December 17th, the stock collapsed 31% due to widespread panic selling among retail investors. Later filings revealed that Steve Cohen of Point 72, Srinivas Koneru of Triterras, and other institutional holders had not sold their holdings. Following this, Owen Lau reiterated Triterras as overweight, Randy Binner expressed his confidence in the company, and Triterras management held a special call with investors to provide growth estimates and refute any doubts in the company, and the common stock rallied 74% between December 18th and December 28th.

Two weeks prior to the January 15th crash in Triterras common stock, Soumya Sen, a self-labeled hedge-fund manager of Septum Capital, which is not registered with the SEC after our independent review, tweeted this:

In now deleted tweets, Soumya Sen requested several users who tweeted their interest in purchasing Triterras shares to contact him for private information he received from a hedge fund that supposedly exposed “several red flags” in Triterras business practices.

Several users who attempted to contact Soumya Sen via Twitter’s direct messaging system without request were flatly denied this information. Additionally, in retaliation to Soumya Sen’s public short position against Triterras, several users in the Twitter and StockTwits community started posting insults against Soumya Sen and his wife. In anger, an unusually confident Soumya Sen tweeted this:

Two weeks prior to the January 15th crash in Triterras common stock, Justin Hughes, a self-claimed hedge-funder, posted on LinkedIn to share he is launching a new firm called Phase 2 Partners:

On January 15th, a short report on Triterras by Justin Hughes of Phase 2 Partners was alerted on The Fly. The short report itself is embroiled in speculation and reiterates the possibility of “[fraudulent] ties” among Triterras management, which had already been sufficiently refuted by Triterras management. Again, retail investors, panic sold Triterras common stock en masse upon being alerted of this short report, resulting in numerous limit sells being triggered and the common stock trading 25% lower.

Soumya Sen tweeted the following on January 15th, following market close:

A whistleblower, wishing to remain anonymous, alerted us that Soumya Sen of Septum Capital was possibly contacted by Justin Hughes and related parties ahead of time as to when a questionable short report based on rumor and speculation would be published and popularized by Phase 2 Partners. Again, the aim of this article is not to refute the nonsensical claims and accusations by Phase 2 Partners, but to expose this possibly orchestrated short & distort campaign run by these presumably fraudulent individuals.

The whistleblower has submitted a tip via the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Office of the Whistle Blower to expose the individuals involved in this possible collusion and would encourage any other investors who were a victim of this crime to do so as well. Victims may receive monetary reward from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission upon successful conviction of involved parties.

Disclosure: The content in this article does not express the opinions or viewpoints of Osmosis Capital [the author] or any individuals affiliated. The author does not claim any liability for any consequence as a result of this article and remains free from responsibility from any legal actions associated with individuals or entities in question. We are not financial advisors and are not providing investment advice.



Osmosis Capital

Money manager with 20+ Years of Experience on Wall Street. Sharing our knowledge and experience completely pro bono.